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Title: L'impacte de la fotografia terapèutica i participativa en la millora de la palilàlia i la comunicació significativa i funcional d'un jove
Author: Soliño Cirujano, Noa
Tutor: Rodríguez Corcoll, Neus
Abstract: In this proposal for action and intervention, based on qualitative research and a case study, we evaluate the impact of therapeutic and participatory photography through the Covisage method (Viñuales, 2018) in the improvement of palilàlia and meaningful and functional communication of a 15-year-old boy and patient of the Nine Neighborhoods Day Hospital, examining scientific litetatura at three levels, first, external evidence that helps to define a theoretical framework on palilàlia, therapeutic and participatory photography, its suitability in adolescence and adulthood with and without mental disorder as well as proposals for action that relate photography to language, speech and voice disorders such as dyslalia and dysphemia but incorporating this approach as innovative due to the inexistence of actions on photography and palilàlia, second, the expert opinions based on professional researchers on the subject of photography such as David Viñuales (2018 and 2019) and Ángel Cabeza (2021), among others, and the evidence resulting from the perspectives of the recipient, specifying the action and challenge based on needs and the result of consensus between the entire professional team (social and educational), the person participating and the family. During the whole process, the degree of improvement or not of the functional communicative skills is analyzed in an initial, progressive and final way with a non-hierarchical treatment based on a bidirectional activity of joint participation and based on observation both participating (language modeling and practice, from guided to independent), not participating (analysis of language aspects such as speech, sentence typology, argumentation, etc.) and the combination of the two roles.
Keywords: therapeutic and participatory photography
Hospital de Dia Nou Barris
social education
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 3-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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