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Title: La sala infantil a la biblioteca pública : Pla Estratègic de les sales infantils del Baix Llobregat Nord 2022/2026
Author: Bravo Sánchez, Anaïs
Tutor: Vives Gràcia, Josep
Others: López-Borrull, Alexandre  
Abstract: This Final Degree Project is focused on the Strategic Plan which the workgroup Petits Llobs is going to be stablished over the next few years. Petits Llobs is a workgroup by 23 professional librerians responsible of the children’s area in the 23 libraries of the Baix Llobregat Nord zone. This Strategic Plan aim to answer the main qüestions about how imagine the future of these children’s areas of públic libràries in 2027 and what actions will provide this achievement. In order to take into account the most important aspects of the children’s area and identified its difficulties and deficits to improve them, this FDP is split in 5 parts: • The resarch of the specific bibliography about the current ideology of best children’s areas of libraries and the quality indicators. • The analysis of the real situations in these children’s areas from Baix Llobregat Nord zone through statistics, surveys to the members of the workgroup and other important agents such as the directors of the public libraries or the (PRC) Pedagogical Resource Center. • The accurate DAFO analysis of every adquired data. • The analysis of the New Model of library so that the progressive adaptation the current aims of libraries for the next few years. • And finally, the Strategic Plan development focused on the conclusions drawn in the previous described parts.
Keywords: public libraries
children's libraries
strategic plan
reading during childhood
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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