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Title: Estudio de los factores que influyen en la inclusión educativa del alumnado extranjero ¿Qué necesidades y dificultades presenta la aplicación del plan de inclusión de los estudiantes no nativos en un centro educativo en Educación Primaria y Secundaria?
Author: Singh Kaur, Gagan Deep
Tutor: Solà Descamps, Lluís  
Abstract: The present research study is carried out due to the constant increase of foreign students in Spanish schools, this fact causes the adaptation and adjustment of procedures and protocols to the needs of the students, also offering adequate attention. For this reason, this study aims to find out which factors are influenced in the inclusion of foreign students in Spain. The method consisted in the collection of quantitative and qualitative data through questionnaires and interviews to the educational professionals and students. The data extracted by the professionals in the educational field indicate that the students enjoy equal conditions although the attention provided to them can be improved, on the other hand, the data obtained by the students is quite dispersed. After validating the results, it is concluded that it is necessary to develop strategies, methodologies, and training to improve the inclusion of foreign students, as well as to assess past experiences lived by foreign students.
Keywords: educational inclusion
educational coexistence
intercultural education
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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