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Title: Universidades inclusivas. Análisis de buenas prácticas y propuestas de implementación
Author: Planella, Jordi  
Oriol, Roger  
Others: Cátedra Fundación Randstad-UOC
Abstract: The University, by definition, should be an institution that brings together, that unites and does not exclude certain and not one that excludes certain students because of their personal characteristics. The medieval definition of the same speaks of the University as a "town hall of students and teachers" (Daly, 1961). "town hall of students and teachers" (Daly, 1961). But in spite of this approach and perspective, the reality shows us that the University is an institution that on certain occasions that on certain occasions shows itself and acts as excluding; excluding because of its own selection its own selection systems (selectivity, specific tests for certain degrees, etc.), but also specific tests for certain degrees, etc.) but also because of its elitist perspective exercised for centuries and decades. for centuries and decades.
Keywords: disability
inclusive universities
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Cuadernos de la Cátedra N. 1

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