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Title: La traducción científico-técnica en el ámbito de la formulación: análisis y proceso traductor
Author: García-Valdecasas Canet, Pilar
Tutor: Llompart Pons, Auba  
Abstract: This Bachelor's degree final project (BFP) aims to analyze the translation process and the main terminology and phraseological difficulties of the scientific and technical translation encountered by the translator without specialized training. With this objective in mind, I have selected a pharmacology text, more particularly in the field of dermocosmetic formulation in the English-Spanish language combination. The main reason that led me to choose this subject is the interest in the practical application of the subject matter of Scientific and Technical Translation I and II. Subsequently, in the theoretical framework, I analyze the methodology of translation theories based on various authors, and I underline the fact that the translator should develop his or her own methodology. In the following chapters, I include the translation of the text itself, and the translation's analysis, which includes the main problems and challenges faced with this kind of translation. Then, I evaluate the computer's resources and documentation handled during the translation process. Finally, I reflect on the complexity of the scientific-technical language to reject the idea that TCT is a simple search in dictionaries and a mechanical transfer.
Keywords: scientific-technical translation
terminology problems
translation process
scientific-technical language
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 23-May-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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