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Title: La traducción y el humor en Mean Girls: estudio descriptivo y comparativo de sus traducciones al español de España y al español neutro
Author: López Mármol, Cristina
Tutor: Martínez-Carrasco, Robert  
Abstract: This paper addresses the characteristics of humor as a concept, but created from the feminine perspective, to determine which translation techniques are the most optimal and also the most used when transmitting its comedic intention into other languages. A corpus made up of a total of 72 references is included, extracted directly from the transcriptions of the three necessary versions for our analysis (EN_US, ES_ES and ES_LatAm). These references are characterized by being part of the humorous process of the script, which structures the intentionality of the intrinsically feminist message in Mean Girls. The results of this work call into question whether the translation decisions taken when translating humorous texts are necessarily the easiest or if, on the contrary, they are determined based on the perceptions of the translator in charge, turning translation into an individual task at the service of a universal message.
Keywords: humor translation
chick flick
female humor
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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