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Title: L’empresa d’inserció com a motor per a la millora de l’ocupabilitat de persones amb situacions de vulnerabilitat social
Author: Hernández Méndez, Núria
Tutor: Gabarda-Méndez, Vicente  
Abstract: People who start a job search process begin a phase that is not without its difficulties. of difficulties. If we add to this process situations of social vulnerability, which may be triggered by different personal, social, family, educational, etc. different personal, social, family and educational circumstances, etc., we find people with a situation of extreme people with a borderline situation of poverty and with a very high level of risk of social exclusion and stigmatization. social exclusion and stigmatization. Social exclusion is defined by the accumulation of factors and social deficits that interrelate and interrelated and feedback factors and deficits, such as: poverty, unemployment, precariousness, functional diversity, illness diversity, illness, restricted access to social benefits, education, access to the health system, the digital divide, the digital divide the digital divide, the deficit of participation in society as a whole (García et al., 2013). Thus, labor, economic, cultural and political dimensions are pointed out, which place people in a disadvantaged position in society as a whole.
Keywords: social vulnerability
insertion company
labor market
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 17-Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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