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Title: Evaluación e intervención neuropsicológica en un caso de Deterioro Cognitivo Leve
Author: García Murillo, Rubén
Tutor: Otero Dadín, Cecilia
Abstract: This paper focuses on a fictitious 83-year-old patient with the nickname of Antonio who manifests memory alterations and anxious symptoms with suspicion of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). MCI is described as the transition phase between the expected cognitive decline due to ageing and dementia. Through the evaluation carried out, the diagnosis of MCI (amnestic type) is confirmed, observing mild alterations in visuospatial memory and verbal memory and moderate anxiety. The objective of the intervention proposal is to slow down the process of cognitive deterioration and enhance the preserved cognitive abilities and skills, in addition to reducing the anxiety manifested by the patient. For this, an intervention plan of 16 sessions is established, consisting of an initial session of psychoeducation and establishment of healthy habits, 2 sessions of psychotherapy for anxiety, 2 sessions of basic knowledge of chess, 9 sessions of chess based cognitive training program, an ecological approach homework session, and a final assessment session. Once the intervention plan is finished, the patient will be offered to continue with the chess based cognitive training program.
Keywords: ageing
mild cognitive impairment
cognitive stimulation
chess therapy
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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