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Title: Flipped Classroom en los modelos pedagógicos en la enseñanza de la Educación Física
Author: Muñoz Palazón, María
Tutor: Aguilar de la Rosa, Alejandro  
Abstract: For some years now, as shown in the needs analysis, it has been observed that students spend little time practicing physical activity – basically just the time established in the educational environment – due to lack of time. However, recently, a methodological renovation is taking place in the areas of Primary Education, including Physical Education, focusing on the students and providing them with greater autonomy to take care of their own teaching and learning process. The Flipped Classroom pedagogical model allows students and teachers to optimize Physical Education lessons, therefore increasing the time of motor engagement and leading the students to practice more physical activity. Taking all that into account, this proposal leads to students being active participants in their learning process in an environment where Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are integrated. For this reason, the purpose of this Master's Final Project (TFM) is to increase the wide knowledge of techniques and pedagogical proposals to improve the time of motor engagement in Physical Education, using Flipped Classroom as a pedagogical model. In short, the purpose of this TFM is to design a proposal with Flipped Classroom applicable to Physical Education – being motor abilities the main character in display – and referred to children who are 9-10 years old, being one of the suitable areas in which this methodological renewal may take place.
Keywords: Flipped Classroom
physical education
pedagogical models
methodological change
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 18-Jun-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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