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Títol: A Framework for verifying UML behavioral models
Autoria: Planas, Elena  
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació
Citació: Planas, E. (2009). A framework for verifying UML behavioral models. CAiSE Doctoral Consortium.
Resum: MDD and MDA approaches require capturing the behavior of UML models in sufficient detail and precision so that the models can be automatically implemented/executed in the production environment. With this purpose, Action Semantics were added to the UML specification as the fundamental unit of behavior specifications. Actions are the basis for defining the fine-grained behavior of operations, activity diagrams, interaction diagrams and state machines. Unfortunately, most of the current proposals devoted to the verification of behavioral models tend to skip the analysis of the actions they may include. The main goal of this PhD is to cover this gap by proposing a new verification framework aimed at verifying action-based behavioral specifications. In particular, we plan to describe several correctness properties of these specifications, develop a set of verification techniques based on the static analysis of the actions included in the actionbased behavioral specifications for verifying these properties and integrate our techniques with other existing verification approaches.
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Data de publicació: 10-jun-2009
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