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Títol: Passive exposure and perceptions of smoke-free policies in hospital and university campuses among nursing students: a cross-sectional multicenter study
Autoria: Fu, Marcela  
Castellano, Yolanda  
Laroussy, Kenza  
Baena, Antoni  
Margalef, Mercè  
Feliu, Ariadna  
Galimany Masclans, Jordi  
Puig Llobet, Montserrat  
Moreno García, Mª Carmen
Sancho Agredano, Raül  
Bueno Brugués, Albert  
Lopez Barea, Antonio Jose  
Guydish, Joseph  
Fernández, Esteve  
Martinez, Cristina  
Citació: Fu, M. [Marcela], Castellano, Y. [Yolanda], Laroussy, K. [Kenza], Baena, A. [Antoni], Margalef, M. [Mercè], Feliu, A. [Ariadna], ... & Martínez, C. [Cristina]. (2023). Passive exposure and perceptions of smoke-free policies in hospital and university campuses among nursing students: a cross-sectional multicenter study. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 21(July)93, 1-10. doi: 10.18332/tid/167390
Resum: Introduction: Outdoor smoke-free regulations reduce exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) and help to denormalize tobacco use. As future key agents in health promotion, nursing students' attitudes should agree with tobacco-control policies. The objectives of this study were: 1) assess nursing students' exposure to SHS in nursing schools, 2) explore their perceptions of compliance with the existing smoke-free regulations in acute-care hospitals; and 3) describe their support for indoor and outdoor smoking bans on hospital and university campuses. Methods: This was a cross-sectional multicenter study conducted in 2015-2016 in all 15 university nursing schools in Catalonia, Spain. A questionnaire gathered information on SHS exposure, awareness of the smoke-free regulation in acutecare hospitals, and support for smoke-free policies in indoor and outdoor areas of hospitals and university campuses. Participants were nursing students attending classes on the day of the survey. We performed descriptive analyses and calculated adjusted prevalence ratios (APR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Of 4381 respondents, 99.1% had seen people smoking in outdoor areas of their university campus, and 75.2% had been exposed to SHS on the campus (6.0% indoors and 69.2% outdoors). Nearly 60% were aware of the smoking regulation in place in acute-care hospitals. There was widespread support for smoke-free indoor hospital regulation (98.7%), but less support (64.8%) for outdoor regulations. Approximately 33% supported the regulation to make outdoor healthcare campuses smoke-free, which was higher among third-year students compared to first-year students (APR=1.41; 95% CI: 1.24-1.62), among never smokers (41.4%; APR=2.84; 95% CI: 2.21-3.64) compared to smokers, and among those who were aware of the regulation (38.4%; 95% CI: 1.37-1.75). Conclusions: Exposure to SHS on university campuses is high. Nursing students express low support for strengthening outdoor smoking bans on hospital and university campuses. Interventions aiming to increase their support should be implemented.
Paraules clau: attitudes
nursing students
public health
secondhand smoke exposure
smoke-free policies
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18332/tid/167390
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 17-jul-2023
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/  
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