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Títol: Care in Trouble: Ecologies of Support from Below and Beyond
Autoria: Duclos, Vincent  
Sánchez Criado, Tomás  
Citació: Duclos, V. [Vincent], & Sánchez Criado, T. [Tomás] (2020). Care in trouble: Ecologies of support from below and beyond. Medical anthropology quarterly, 34(2), 153-173.
Resum: Over the last decades, care has proliferated as a notion aimed at capturing a vast array of practices, conditions, and sentiments. In this article, we argue that the analytics of care may benefit from being troubled, as it too often reduces the reproduction of life to matters of palliation and repair, fueling a politics of nationalism and identitarianism. Picking up the threads of insight from STS, "new materialisms," and postcolonial feminist and indigenous scholarship, we discuss care from "below" and "beyond," thus exposing tensions between the enveloping and the diverging, the enduring and the engendering, that play out in care practices. We propose "ecologies of support" as an analytic that attends to how humans are grounded in, traversed by, and undermined by more-than-human and often opaque, speculative, subterranean elements. Our proposal is for anthropology to not simply map life-sustaining ecologies, but to experimentally engage with troubling modes of inquiry and intervention.
Paraules clau: care
ecologies of support
medical anthropology
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/maq.12540
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
Data de publicació: jun-2020
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