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Title: Análisis de la dimensión afectiva en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza del español: la visión del profesorado y alumnado de Hispania, escuela de español
Author: Hernández Martínez, Javier
Tutor: Viciana Caballero, Salvador  
Abstract: The affective dimension is part of our lives and appears in many areas of our lives. Neuroscience gives it special importance in relation to learning, since it cannot be separated from cognition if we want to achieve meaningful learning, especially in the field of foreign languages, where motivation, anxiety, learning styles, attitudes and self-esteem play a fundamental role. For this reason, this descriptive research aims to find out the importance that teachers and students at Hispania, a Spanish language school, attach to this affective dimension, as well as to discover those strategies that are most and least useful. Likewise, a comparison of results between the gender variable is also carried out. For this purpose, a mixed questionnaire was administered to teachers (28 participants) and to students (92 participants: 59 women and 33 men). The results show that both groups give great importance to the affective dimension, with motivation and attitudes being the most important elements, and the different learning styles the least important. In relation to strategies, there is agreement on many of the elements. In terms of gender, the results of the male gender are slightly higher in all the elements, and both agree that motivation is the most important and learning styles the least important. Both groups also agree on the most useful strategy for the motivation, anxiety, and attitude blocks, and the least useful for the self-esteem/self-concept block. Thus, the results obtained show the great importance that the teachers and students of this school give to the affective dimension when teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language.
Keywords: affective dimension
gender studies
language teaching
learning styles
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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