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Títol: The parietal cortex has a causal role in ambiguity computations in humans
Autoria: Valdebenito-Oyarzo, Gabriela  
Martínez Molina, María Paz  
Soto-Icaza, Patricia  
Zamorano, Francisco  
Figueroa-Vargas, Alejandra  
Larraín Valenzuela, Josefina  
Stecher, Ximena  
Salinas, César
bastin, julien  
Valero-Cabré, Antoni  
Polaina, Rafael
Billeke, Pablo  
Citació: Valdebenito Oyarzo, G. [Gabriela], Martínez Molina, M.P. [María Paz], Soto Icaza, P.[Patricia], Zamorano, F. [Francisco], Figueroa Vargas, A. [Alejandra], Larraín Valenzuela, J. [Josefina], Stecher, X. [Ximena], Salinas, C. [César], Bastin, J. [Julien], Valero-Cabré, A. [Antoni], Polaina, R. [Rafael] & Billeke, P. [Pablo]. (2024). The parietal cortex has a causal role in ambiguity computations in humans. PLoS Biology, 22(1), 1-30. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002452
Resum: Humans often face the challenge of making decisions between ambiguous options. The level of ambiguity in decision-making has been linked to activity in the parietal cortex, but its exact computational role remains elusive. To test the hypothesis that the parietal cortex plays a causal role in computing ambiguous probabilities, we conducted consecutive fMRI and TMS-EEG studies. We found that participants assigned unknown probabilities to objective probabilities, elevating the uncertainty of their decisions. Parietal cortex activity correlated with the objective degree of ambiguity and with a process that underestimates the uncertainty during decision-making. Conversely, the midcingulate cortex (MCC) encodes prediction errors and increases its connectivity with the parietal cortex during outcome processing. Disruption of the parietal activity increased the uncertainty evaluation of the options, decreasing cingulate cortex oscillations during outcome evaluation and lateral frontal oscillations related to value ambiguous probability. These results provide evidence for a causal role of the parietal cortex in computing uncertainty during ambiguous decisions made by humans.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002452
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 10-gen-2024
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/es/  
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