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Title: La Tienda de Suso. Como hacer del comercio rural un negocio rentable y sostenible
Author: Felipe Suso, Maite De
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Others: Cerdan-Chiscano, Monica  
Jiménez-Zarco, Ana Isabel  
Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 marked a before and after in our society. We had to change many things in our daily lives, but it also made us rethink what we wanted for the future. Many people, after two months locked up in cities, chose to flee the city and move to the rural world. An example of this is what happened in a small town in Alava, Maeztu, located in the middle of the mountains of Alava. After the pandemic, the number of people registered in the town increased, on the one hand thanks to new neighbors who, without any relation to the town, chose to start a life in it, thanks to the commitment of many companies to teleworking, and on the other hand thanks to those who, after spending a few years in the cities, chose to return to the town. Thanks to population growth, rural businesses have received a small boost, nowadays people are becoming aware of the importance of local consumption and small rural businesses in the health and resources of the planet. Thus, it is understood that we are at an ideal time to implement a digital marketing plan in a small grocery store located in Maeztu, and known as La Tienda de Suso. However, the consumer has changed and small businesses must be attentive to new needs, such as online shopping, 100% availability of products, customized distribution system, changes in leisure, quality and diversification. And of course, all this from digital communication. The objective of this project, which will be launched in January 2024, is to make the business profitable by adapting it to the world and the technologies we use today. That is why, beyond increasing sales, the aim is to create a closer relationship with the omnichannel customer, to take care of them with new products and services, and to let them know that their opinions are valued. That is why a high digital investment has been made, since the business did not have any tool before. We want La Tienda de Suso to be taken as an example for other small rural businesses to opt for similar options and thus achieve, little by little, to enrich the villages of Alava.
Keywords: sustainable development
local economy
rural marketing
montaña Alavesa and sustainability
digital marketing plan
digital transformation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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