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Title: Desenvolupament d’una aplicació multiplataforma per a reduir el malbaratament d’aliments
Author: Masot Serrano, Martí
Tutor: Velàsquez Melenciano, Xavier
Almirall López, Jordi
Others: Garrigues, Carles  
Abstract: Food waste is a very present problem in our society. In fact, there are already applications like Too Good To Go that offer solutions to reduce food waste in establishments. However, its use is not yet widespread throughout Catalonia, and it does not provide solutions for users to keep track of all the food in their pantry and the expiration dates. For this reason, the decision was made to carry out this project, which first specifies the scope, objectives, and planning to follow. Subsequently, UID (User Interface Design) techniques are implemented to develop a high-fidelity prototype, with which tests are conducted with real users to correct certain critical aspects before implementation. Since a cross-platform application is being developed, it was also necessary to design the general architecture of the entire system and the database design. Finally, the conclusions of the work reflect the effectiveness of the process followed throughout the project and its implementation, as two final applications were achieved. One web application and the other Android, which allow offering and buying food about to expire, exploring offers through an interactive map, and managing the user's pantry. This includes adding food by photographing a receipt and being notified when any food is about to expire, among other features.
Keywords: Ionic
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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mmasser95TFG0224memoria.pdfMemòria del TFG9,55 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
Aplicació_Android_V1.0.0_Masot_Serrano-Martí.apkAplicació per a dispositius Android10,17 MBUnknownView/Open
FlyFood-API-Documentation-1.0.0-Masot_Serrano-Martí.pdfDocumentació de l'API586,41 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail
Aplicacio_Minificada_Producció_Web_Masot_Serrano-Martí.zipVersió web de l'aplicació1,37 MBUnknownView/Open
Manual de compilació de l'aplicació_Masot_Serrano-Martí.pdfManual de compilació de l'aplicació per a web i Android355,42 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail
Manual d'ús de l'aplicació_Masot_Serrano-Martí.pdfManual d'ús de l'aplicació3,5 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
Presentacio_TFG_Masot_Serrano-Martí.pptxDiapositives de la presentació del treball5,49 MBMicrosoft Powerpoint XMLView/Open
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