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Title: El impacto de los estereotipos sexistas en el estudio, detección y evaluación del Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje: Propuestas para su abordaje desde una perspectiva feminista
Other Titles: The Impact of Sexist Stereotypes on the Study, Detection, and Assessmentof Developmental Language Disorder: Proposals for a Feminist Approach
Author: Ahufinger, Nadia
Aguilera, Mari  
Citation: Ahufinger, N. [Nadia] & Aguilera, M. [Mari](2022). El impacto de los estereotipos sexistas en el estudio, detección y evaluación del Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje: Propuestas para su abordaje desde una perspectiva feminista. Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología, 21(2), 1-18. doi: 10.5354/0719-4692.2022.68921
Abstract: The difficulties that childrenwith Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) experienceextend to non-linguistic aspects such as cognition, memory, academic performance,andsocio-emotional skills. It is for this reason that, when approaching this disorder, the intersection of bio-psycho-social aspects houldbe considered. This article aimsto offera critical review of the influence thatsexist stereotypeshave on relevant variables includedinthe study of DLD,such as language and socio-emotional aspects. First, weestablishthe importance of adoptinga feminist perspective in science and, specifically, when approachingDLD, which so far showsan overrepresentation of boys in researchsamples. Secondly, we review the relationship between a sexist socialization and the development of language and socio-emotional skills in children, revealing the negative impact this hasonthe detection and assessmentof children with language difficulties at different stages of development. Finally, we offer proposals to carry out research that represents girls and boysequally and integrates adequatepractices, in orderto leave the androcentric gazebehind. Additionally, wepropose that professionals workingin this field usean interdisciplinary approach,to incorporate protocols and guidelines that considerthe presence of sexist bias in the detectionandassessmentof DLD,as well as in the interaction with families,in order to provide services tothis population that are based on true equality.
Keywords: Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
feminist approach
sexist/gender stereotypes
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2022
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Appears in Collections:Articles cientÍfics

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