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Title: Stop LGTBI-fòbia! L'assetjament escolar per motius d'orientació sexoafectiva, d'identitat o d'expressió de gènere
Author: Cruz Berbel, Jessica
Tutor: Marín Rodríguez, Eiden
Abstract: According to the latest study by the Observatory against LGTBI-phobia, there has been an increase in cases of discrimination and aggression on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last few years. To deal with this fact, are existing legislation and action protocols as well as resources and guides to guarantee the right of people who form part of the LGTBI community and prevent the harassment they suffer. there existing documents and tools have been analysed throughout this Final Degree Project. In addiction, which is the role that the education professionals in Catalan schools play in tackling this problem, as we must bear in mind that these institutions are understood as spaces, not only for the acquisition of skills, but also as a place where the individual socialises, develops and acquires a series of social skills for his/her correct circulation within the social network in which he/she finds himself/herself as a citizen. From this research, we have been able to conclude, thanks to a questionnaire and interviews with professionals working in Catalan schools, that teachers are not trained to deal with cases of LGTBI-phobic bullying and additionally, that their sensitivity to this social problem is questionable. In this way, we can say that the Department of Education is not complying with current legislation, as by lay, education professionals have to be qualified and capable to deal with diversity in terms of sexual affectivity, gender identity and gender expression.
Keywords: gender studies
social educator
social education
educational centres
gender expression
gender identity
sexual affective orientation
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 18-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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