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Title: Lush. Cómo crear comunidad de marca a través de un plan de marketing digital
Author: Pérez Gómez, Mireia
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Abstract: The paradigm of consumption is undergoing a significant shift, driven not only by new technologies, but also by a consumer who is increasingly aware of the impact his or her consumption has on the planet's resources. This consumer seeks not only to satisfy their needs, but also to contribute to a positive impact through their purchasing decisions. Companies that lead with positive values towards society and the environment not only thrive, but also connect more deeply with consumers. This paper dives into the benefits for companies like Lush, known for its distinctive values, of creating a community around a brand through a digital marketing strategy that also drives sales growth. Customer loyalty becomes a key objective, along with generating interest in the brand. To achieve this, a thorough analysis of the macro- and micro-economic environment is carried out, identifying threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses of Lush. Only through this assessment are specific digital marketing objectives defined, tailored to the target audience, which form part of a campaign designed to resonate with the consumer and guide them towards adoption of the loyalty card and community membership. The paper details the budgets allocated to these actions, establishing an initial investment, and assessing its profitability. With a positive return on investment, the viability and implement ability of the proposed plan is demonstrated. This potential success not only benefits the Lush brand, but also highlights the relevance of building communities around shared values, underlining the importance of connecting with brands and other ndividuals. Finally, it supports a brand that goes beyond seeking business growth alone, focusing on making a positive social and environmental impact.
Keywords: capital de marca
marketing orgánico
marketing digital
cosmética natural
consumo responsable
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 17-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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