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dc.contributor.authorRomero Velasco, Margarida-
dc.contributor.authorBarbera, Elena-
dc.description.abstractAlong with the amount of time spent learning (or time-on-task), the quality of learning time has a real influence on learning performance. Quality of time in online learning depends on students¿ time availability and their willingness to devote quality cognitive time to learning activities. However, the quantity and quality of the time spent by adult e-learners on learning activities can be reduced by professional, family, and social commitments. Considering that the main time pattern followed by most adult e-learners is a professional one, it may be beneficial for online education programs to offer a certain degree of flexibility in instructional time that might allow adult learners to adjust their learning times to their professional constraints. However, using the time left over once professional and family requirements have been fulfilled could lead to a reduction in quality time for learning. This paper starts by introducing the concept of quality of learning time from an online studentcentred perspective. The impact of students¿ time-related variables (working hours, timeon-task engagement, time flexibility, time of day, day of week) is then analyzed according to individual and collaborative grades achieved during an online master¿s degree program. The data show that both students¿ time flexibility (r = .98) and especially their availability to learn in the morning are related to better grades in individual (r = .93) and collaborative activities (r = .46).en
dc.description.abstractAquest article comença amb la introducció del concepte de qualitat del temps a aprendre des d'una perspectiva de l'estudiant en línia. L'impacte de les variables relacionades amb el temps els alumnes s'analitza a continuació, d'acord amb les qualificacions individuals i de col·laboració assolits durant un programa de màster en línia.ca
dc.description.abstractEste artículo comienza con la introducción del concepto de calidad del tiempo a aprender desde una perspectiva del estudiante en línea. El impacto de las variables relacionadas con el tiempo los alumnos se analiza a continuación, de acuerdo con las calificaciones individuales y de colaboración alcanzados durante un programa de máster en línea.es
dc.relation.ispartofseriesInternational Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2011, 12:5.-
dc.subjectcomputer-supported collaborative learningen
dc.subjectacademic performanceen
dc.subjecte-learning qualityen
dc.subjecttime flexibilityen
dc.subjecttime qualityen
dc.subjectlearner timeen
dc.subjectrendiment acadèmicca
dc.subjectrendimiento académicoes
dc.subjectqualitat en e-learningca
dc.subjectcalidad en e-learninges
dc.subjectflexibilitat horàriaca
dc.subjectflexibilidad horariaes
dc.subjectqualitat del tempsca
dc.subjectcalidad del tiempoes
dc.subjecttemps de l'estudiantca
dc.subjectteimpo del estudiantees
dc.titleQuality of Learners' Time and Learning Performance Beyond Quantitative Time-on-Task-
dc.audience.mediatorTheme areas::eLearningen
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