Articles 251

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Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 1 al 20 de 251

Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2023-04-18Spelling problems after early oral language difficultiesBuil-Legaz, Lucía; Suárez-Coalla, Paz; Santamarina Rabanal, Liliana; Martínez-García, Cristina; Rodríguez-Ferreiro, Javier; Cuetos, Fernando
2024-05What works in peer support for breast cancer survivors: a qualitative systematic review and meta-ethnographyClougher, Derek; Ciria Suarez, Laura; Medina, Joan C.; Anastasiadou, Dimitra; Racioppi, Anna; Ochoa, Cristian
2024-05-21Use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for studying cognitive control in depressed patients: A systematic reviewHernández-Sauret, Ana; Redolar-Ripoll, Diego; Martin de la Torre, Ona
2024-03-26Autoridad, vínculo y saber en educación. Transmitir un testimonio de deseoSolé Blanch, Jordi
2003Noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació o noves tecnologies de relació? Infants, joves i cultura digitalGil Juárez, Adriana; Feliu, Joel; Rivero, Isabel; Gil Rodríguez, Eva Patrícia
2024-05-10Spanish and Catalan versions of the eHealth literacy questionnaire: translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation studyHernández Encuentra, Eulàlia; Robles, Noemí; Angulo-Brunet, Ariadna; Cullen, David; del Arco Herrera, Ignacio
2023-04-20“We are the women who clean and the structural base of the hotel”: Las Kellys, the collective agency and identity of Spain’s room attendantsValenzuela-Bustos, Alan; Gálvez Mozo, Ana; Alcalde González, Verna; Tirado, Francisco
2024-05-30Analysing Conversation Pathways with a Chatbot Tutor to Enhance Self-Regulation in Higher EducationMartins, Ludmila; Fernández-Ferrer, Maite; Puertas Prats, Eloi
2022El impacto de los estereotipos sexistas en el estudio, detección y evaluación del Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje: Propuestas para su abordaje desde una perspectiva feministaAhufinger, Nadia; Aguilera, Mari
2022-01-10La situación del trastorno específico del lenguaje en los países hispanohablantesAndreu, Llorenç; Igualada, Alfonso; Ahufinger, Nadia; Sanz-Torrent, Mònica
2016Podemos: storia di una breve parabola politicaScandurra, Rosario
2017-06The timing of head movements: the role of prosodic heads and edgesEsteve-Gibert, Núria; Borràs-Comes, Joan; Asor, Eli; swerts, marc; Prieto, Pilar
2021-01Preschoolers benefit from a clear sound-referent mapping to acquire nonnative phonologyEsteve-Gibert, Núria; Muñoz , Carmen
2020-01-03Empathy influences how listeners interpret intonation and meaning when words are ambiguousEsteve-Gibert, Núria; Schafer, Amy; Hemforth, Barbara; Portes, Cristel; Pozniak, Céline; D'Imperio, Mariapaola
2017-06-15Modelling adult skills in OECD countriesScandurra, Rosario; Calero, Jorge
2018-03-19Prosody in the auditory and visual domains: A Developmental perspectiveEsteve-Gibert, Núria; GUELLAI, Bahia
2016-05-19Intergenerational money and time transfers by gender in Spain: Who are the actual dependents?Rentería, Elisenda; Scandurra, Rosario; Souto, Guadalupe; Patxot, Concepció
2023-01-25Loneliness and disability: A systematic review of loneliness conceptualization and intervention strategiesGómez-Zúñiga, Beni; Pousada, Modesta; Armayones, Manuel
2019-06-28The experience of parents of children with rare diseases when communicating with healthcare professionals: towards an integrative theory of trustGómez-Zúñiga, Beni; Pulido Moyano, Rafael Álvaro; Pousada, Modesta; García Oliva, Alicia; Armayones, Manuel
2024-04-15Exploring Spanish writing abilities of children with developmental language disorder in expository textsBalboa Castells, Raquel; Ahufinger, Nadia; Sanz-Torrent, Mònica; Andreu, Llorenç
Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 1 al 20 de 251