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Títol: Analysis of Patients organizations' needs and ICT use -The APTIC project in Spain to develop an online collaborative social network
Autoria: Armayones, Manuel  
Boixadós, Mercè  
Guillamon, Noemi  
Gómez Zúñiga, Benigna
Hernández Encuentra, Eulàlia  
Citació: Hernàndez, E.; Gómez, B.; Guillamon, N.; Boixadós, M.; Armayones, M. (2015). "Analysis of Patients organizations' needs and ICT use -The APTIC project in Spain to develop an online collaborative social network". Health Expectations, 18, p. 2129-2142. ISSN:1369-6513 doi: 10.1111/hex.12181
Resum: Background: The purpose of this first part of the APTIC (Patient Organisations and ICT) project is to design and run an online col- laborative social network for paediatric patient organizations (PPOs). Objective: To analyse the needs of PPOs in Spain to identify opportunities to improve health services through the use of ICT. Setting and participants A convenience sample of staff from 35 PPOs (54.68% response rate) participated in a structured online survey and three focus groups (12 PPOs). Results: Paediatric patient organizations¿ major needs are to provide accredited and managed information, increase personal support and assistance and promote joint commitment to health care. Moreover, PPOs believe in the Internet¿s potential to meet their needs and support their activities. Basic limitations to using the Internet are lack of knowledge and resources. Conclusion: The discussion of the data includes key elements of designing an online collaborative social network and reflections on health services provided.
Paraules clau: associacions de pacients
malaltia pediàtrica
DOI: 10.1111/hex.12181
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Data de publicació: 5-des-2015
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
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