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Title: "Mediatecas y archivos para el siglo XXI". Introducción: Cómo archivar y conservar las prácticas artísticas vinculadas a los nuevos medios
Author: Alsina, Pau
Citation: Alsina, Pau (2010). "Mediatecas y archivos para el siglo XXI". Introducción: Cómo archivar y conservar las prácticas artísticas vinculadas a los nuevos medios". Artnodes, 2010, Vol. 0, núm 10
Abstract: Whether it is true or not, the following humorous anecdote from the early years of e-commerce is quite illustrative: it seems that some years ago the head of a large international publishing company "gave the order to remove from internet" a digital book in pdf format that shortly after going on sale on their web page was copied and spread by all of the world's servers. Today, similar attempts ("to remove a pdf from internet") remain hilarious to us, above all taking into account the vast profusion of textual, sound or visual material that we find on the net, legally or illegally distributed, free of copyright or subject to the most stringent intellectual property laws. Material that is there, whether we like it or not, and that continues to be consulted, reminding us that the digital realm has specific characteristics that are quite different from the analogical.
Keywords: archive
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2011
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Appears in Collections:2010, n. 10
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