Artículos 3406

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 621 a 640 de 3406

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023-08-02A domain-specific language for describing machine learning datasetsGiner Miguelez, Joan; Gómez, Abel; Cabot, Jordi
2023-09-07Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS‐C) and sepsis differentiation by a clinical and analytical score: MISSEP scoreGarcía Hernández, María Noelia; Roldan‐Berengue, Elies; Guitart Pardellans, Carmina; Girona, Mònica; Argüello-González, Guillermo; Pino-Otín, María Rosa; de Sevilla, Mariona F; García Machado, Juan José; Jordan, Iolanda
2023-09-13Alfabetización digital para la educación social: de las competencias digitales a los conocimientos críticosFernández de Castro Sanabria, Pedro; BRETONES, EVA; Solé Blanch, Jordi; Meneses, Julio; Aranda, Daniel; Sampedro, Víctor
2023-10-10Ressenya de Núñez Mosteo & Vayreda i Duran (Coords.) (2022). Humanisme i posthumanisme. Eines per a unes ciències humanes en movimentPichel-Vázquez, Alexandre
2023-09-12Algoritmos y condicionamiento por debajo del nivel consciente: un análisis crítico de la propuesta de Ley de Inteligencia Artificial de la Unión EuropeaBeltran de Heredia Ruiz, Ignasi
2020-09-02A Philippine 'coolie trade': Trade and exploitation of Chinese labour in Spanish colonial Philippines, 1850-98Ginés-Blasi, Mònica
2023-10-06Cosmoethics and COVID-19 vaccines: beyond the cosmopolitical proposalBaleriola, Enrique; Tirado, Francisco; Gálvez Mozo, Ana
2023-09-21Experiencias de abandono escolar y prácticas contrahegemónicas en la Educación para jóvenes y adultos: El caso de Chile y EspañaContreras-Villalobos, Tabata; Baleriola, Enrique; Neut, Pablo; López, Verónica
2023-09-21Modified output and metalanguage during conversational interaction: A qualitative look at interactional feedbackCanals, Laia
2023-09-03Studying indirect translation: a conversation with and between L. Davier, M. Marin-Lacarta and F. PöchhackerDaviera, Lucile; Marin-Lacarta, Maialen; Pöchhackerc, Franz; Gambierd, Yves; Ivaskaeand, Laura; Pięta, Hanna
2023-09-11The metamorphosis of China’s automotive industry (1953–2001): Inward internationalisation, technological transfers and the making of a post-socialist marketJia-Zhenga, Yuan; Brasó Broggi, Carles
2023-09-14Humanitarian logics in the evolution of international societyNantermoz, Olivia; TURAN ZARA, Aslihan
2023-09-02Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futuresRobison, Rosie; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Hargreaves, Tom; Renstro, Sara; Wolsink, Maarten; Judson, Emily; Pechancova, Viera; Demirbag Kaplan, Melike; March, Hug; Lehne l, Johanna; Foulds, Chris; Bharucha , Zareen; Bilous, Liliia; Büscher, Christian; CARRUS, Giuseppe; Darby, Sarah; douzou, sylvie; Dreven sek, Mojca; Frantal, Bohumil; Guimaraes Pereira, Angela; Karvonen, Andrew; Katzeff, Cecilia; Kola-Bezka, Maria; Laakso, Senja Susanna; Lettmayer, Gudrun; Parag, Yael; Sáfián, Fanni; Swora, Mariusz; Tjørring, Lise; van der Werff, Ellen; Van Vliet, Bas; Wallenborn, Grégoire; Wyckmans, Annemie
2023-10-02Critical infrastructure awareness based on IoT context dataVila, Marc; Sancho, Maria-Ribera; Teniente, Ernest; Vilajosana, Xavier
2023-10-02Cash flow investment, external funding and the energy transition: Evidence from large US energy firmsRestrepoa, Natalia; Uribe, Jorge M.
2023-05-26The impact of labour market shocks on mental health: evidence from the Covid‐19 first waveBogliacino, Francesco; Codagnone, Cristiano; Folkvord, Frans; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco
2022-11-08Design and pilot testing of a school-based emotional education program for health promotion and prevention for children from 3 to 5 years of ageBartroli, Montserrat; Bosque-Prous, Marina; Juárez Martínez, Olga; Clotas Boté, Caterina; Teixidó-Compañó, Ester; Ramos, Pilar; Espelt, Albert
2022-12-09Dropout rate in digital health interventions for the prevention of skin cancer: systematic review, meta-analysis, and metaregressionHernández-Rodríguez, Juan-Carlos; García-Muñoz, Cristina; Ortiz-Alvarez, Juan; Saigí-Rubió, Francesc; Conejo-Mir, Julián; Pereyra-Rodríguez, José-Juan
2022-12-02Consumers’ acceptability and perception of edible insects as an emerging protein sourceRos-Baro, Marta; Sánchez-Socarrás, Violeida; Santos-Pagès, Maria; Bach-Faig, Anna; Aguilar, Alicia
2022-12-02Circular economy and information technologies: identifying and ranking the factors of successful practicesNaveed, Wishal; Ammouriova, Majsa; Naveed, Noman; Juan, Angel A.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 621 a 640 de 3406