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Títol: Factors influencing university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments
Autoria: Badia, Antoni  
Garcia, Consuelo  
Meneses, Julio  
Citació: Badia Garganté, T., Garcia Tamarit, C. & Meneses, J. (2014). Factors influencing university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141(), 369-374. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.05.065
Resum: Resultats: els tres usuaris-persona resultants s'acompanyen de descripcions i es complementen amb escenaris basats en evidències que han d'ajudar a dissenyar experiències d'usuaris. Aquests són el Marc (usuari), un estudiant adolescent que pretén codissenyar la biblioteca i que reclama activitats socials presencials; la Maria (mai usuària), una jubilada que necessita caliu humà i que fa evident la necessitat de col·laboració més estreta entre serveis socials i biblioteques, i el David (exusuari), treballador de més de trenta anys que considera que no necessita la biblioteca tot i que en desconeix la majoria de serveis que actualment li ofereix.
The purpose of the study was to build a model of the factors that influence the university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching named 'promoting the learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments. We conducted a survey to nine hundred sixty-five higher education online instructors belonging to the Open University of Catalonia (www.uoc.edu). In this study we used three scales selected from a larger questionnaire that collected three types of information from the instructors: personal and professional data, online teaching roles, and online teaching conceptions. We identified several conceptions about online teaching through a factorial analysis from the third scale. In the present research we analyze the relationship between the instructors' conception about teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration (independent variable), and possible explanatory variables: gender, age, academic education, field of specialization, experience in online teaching, level of teaching, time devoted to online teaching, and instructors' perceived relevance of their online teaching roles. Correlations and preliminary multiple regression analyses were used to make inferential judgements and test the effects of the independent variable separately. Findings from correlation analysis suggest that gender, academic education, online teaching experience, time devoted to online teaching, and, more relevant, all five teaching roles: social interaction, instructional design, technology use, learning assessment and learning processes support, are relevant predictors of the adoption of this conception of teaching by online instructors.
Paraules clau: Online teaching conceptions
Online teaching roles
Teaching in Higher Education
Virtual universities
DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.05.065
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 1-set-2014
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
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