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Title: Facturae a Salesforce
Author: Rodríguez Vispo, Roberto
Tutor: Castellà-Roca, Jordi  
Abstract: Public administrations and companies are leaning towards the digital transformation for the impact it has on boosting their competitiveness and for environmental reasons. A clear example is electronic invoices, where the public administration deployed tools and normative legal around it. In the same fashion as classic invoicing, their digital equivalent must provide legibility, authenticity and integrity. In Spain, the standard format is Facturae. Companies must introduce electronic invoices in their information systems, especially in the critical ones, such as the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (CRM). The world¿s number one CRM platform is Salesforce. Nevertheless, there is not any application that allows importing or categorising electronic invoices in the Salesforce platform. This process must be secure and guarantee the confidentiality of the data stored in the CRM. The objective of this work was to develop a system that allows validation of authenticity and integrity of the electronic invoices (Facturae). To (after validation is successful) proceed to automatically import them, in a secure way, to Salesforce, making sure the sensitive fields are encrypted on the platform. The result of this work is an application that provides users with a secure repository to store their invoices, and enable their categorization in a flexible way. The application stores the invoices in a structured way in the CRM, allowing users to report and gather analytics on them. This project offers a wide range of new functionality to their users: facilitating the creation of marketing campaigns, automatic alerts to control their spending, etc.
Keywords: electronic invoice
computer security
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 7-Jan-2020
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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