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Title: Comunicació social de les Pimes del Maresme durant la crisi de la Covid-19. Continguts, temporalitat, canals i recursos
Author: Guillén Mena, Dolors
Tutor: Antorán Ponce, Alberto
Abstract: The world has been experiencing a health crisis situation for more than a year now, which has affected people at all levels, from people's own health, to the social, economic, cultural ... generating a point of inflection between life before COVID-19 and life after it. In business terms, small and medium-sized enterprises have been the most affected by the continuous closures, restrictions, capacities, logistical complications and mobility, among others, and have also had to adjust to the new consumption and buying habits of consumers, become more digital and they demand and prioritize their needs differently. An important element that has become visible to the world is the lack, especially in SMEs, of technology, Internet presence and in general, the digitalization of their businesses. The use of social media has not always been a priority for these companies that differ from the big ones by their close and face-to-face dealings with customers and that now, in a situation of pandemic and confinement, many can't continue with marketing of their products and services. It is concluded that SMEs are, for the most part, in an embryonic state or zero phase of digital transformation processes and that they see channels such as social networks as one-way spaces for information but not community generation, increased competitiveness and growth global market.
Keywords: social communications
digital communications
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 2-Feb-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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