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Title: L’avaluació autèntica
Author: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. eLearning Innovation Center
Roca, Montse
González, Loles
Girona, Cristina  
Abstract: This document provides information on authentic assessment, highlighting its main characteristics, benefits, and practical examples. On the one hand, it shows how this methodology connects theoretical learning with real situations, improving students' employability through the development of practical skills applicable to their professional field. On the other hand, it proposes some reflections that invite us to build criteria when designing the assessment.
Keywords: avaluació
estratègies metodològiques
competències professionals
mètode d’avaluació
disseny de programes formatius
entorns d’aprenentatge
estrategias metodológicas
competencias profesionales
método de evaluación
diseño de programas formativos
entornos de aprendizaje
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Issue Date: Oct-2024
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Appears in Collections:Publicacions

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