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Title: Una mirada psicopedagògica cap a l’absentisme i el fracàs escolar: anàlisi d'estratègies, eines i recursos, dins el marc de l'orientació educativa, per a la promoció de l’èxit escolar en alumnat absentista
Author: Pedrola Roca, Laia
Tutor: Furió Fuertes, Maria Elena
Abstract: This research focuses on the analysis of strategies, tools and resources that can help professionals in psychopedagogy and educational guidance to deal with school absenteeism and accompany students depending on their context and their cases, within the framework of the inclusive school. Initially, an exhaustive review of the existing literature was conducted. Subsequently, data was collected using a mixed-methods approach, including a questionnaire directed at secondary school counsellors and various interviews with educational guidance professionals to understand their perspective on the effectiveness of different strategies, tools, and resources, as well as the main barriers or challenges they face. The results show that although strategies, tools, and resources focused on the personalization and individualization of interventions are effective, the lack of time and personal resources hinders the educational success of absentee students.
Keywords: school absenteeism
educational orientation
educational strategies
inclusive school
educational success
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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