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Title: Plan de Marketing Digital de la start up Breogán Films para "Potenciar la inclusión de los jóvenes creadores en la industria cinematográfica en España"
Author: Naveira Calvete, Alba
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Others: Cerdan-Chiscano, Monica  
Abstract: Film is culture and as such must be preserved. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) state that film is fundamental to ensuring education and jobs, as well as reducing inequalities and creating more sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities and communities. Although we are aware of the importance of film in society and the good that it generates in it, it is a sector in which it is very difficult to obtain job opportunities to exploit talent and escape from the job insecurity that characterizes it. Therefore, it is proposed in this final master's thesis the creation of an audiovisual marketplace called Breogán Films, which helps young creators between 23 and 35 years old to become professionals in the film industry. The proposal of this digital marketing plan has been carried out after a deep analysis of the macroeconomic environment under the PESTEL approach, as well as the sector, market and competition of Breogán Films' frame of action. Knowing that the marketplace wants to be a reference both for its customers and for audiovisual production companies, different marketing mix strategies have been created, which allow the positioning of the website. It is an ambitious plan, which is why universities will also be considered key partners as a point of reference for future student internships and private courses in the current strategy of universities through the Corporate figure. Its viability is supported, not only through appropriate digital tactics, but also from a serious and honest analysis of its weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities, which have allowed us to identify assumable Smart objectives and, specific customer profiles and buyer persona around which to orchestrate the communication strategy. Thus, with this knowledge, we can establish the appropriate customer journey and achieve the expected conversion funnel thanks to the POEM model strategy, that is, owned, earned and paid media. Through the design of this digital marketing plan, it is intended that other creators can have a better personal experience in the sector than the author of this study, who despite her creative potential has had to overcome various difficulties that put at risk the continuity of her vocation. The creation of a company, then, seems an excellent solution, and being able to do it from a marketing plan is presented as an opportunity for the sector and students, but also as a business opportunity, since the result obtained is a positive ROI and ROAS that confirm the viability of the project.
Keywords: Start up
audiovisual production
audiovisual practices
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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