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Title: Estado actual de la educación emocional en los centros de educación infantil y primaria de la provincia de Barcelona ¿Están los docentes preparados emocional y profesionalmente para poner en práctica la educación emocional en las aulas?
Author: Martínez Hermoso, Helma
Tutor: Gutiérrez Berciano, Sué  
Abstract: The implementation of Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, has meant a new paradigm in the framework of emotional education. In order to put it into practice, López-Cassá (2016) highlights the importance of theoretical-practical training by teachers. Likewise, Extremera and Fernández-Berrocal (2004) highlight the need for teachers to master emotional skills. The objective of this descriptive study of ex-post-facto design is to determine the degree of preparation and disposition, as well as to evaluate emotional competencies and subjective well-being in a sample of 50 participants - 41 women and 9 men aged between 23 and 63 years. An ad hoc questionnaire consisting of 43 items and divided into three blocks is applied. The results derived from the analysis confirm that 86% of the teachers surveyed have received some type of training in emotional education and their degree of willingness is adequate (M=3.38, DE=0.81). In addition, both the levels of emotional competencies (M=2.94, DE=0.92) and subjective well-being (M=3.25, DE=0.70) are considerably good, being better in teachers with training. Therefore, the research seems to refute the first hypothesis and verify the other two.
Keywords: emotional education
teachers preparation
emotional competencies
subjective well-being
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2023
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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