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Title: Conocimientos, destrezas y competencias: un modelo para aprender matemáticas en un entorno virtual
Author: Albano, Giovannina  
Citation: Albano, Giovannina (2012). "Conocimientos, destrezas y competencias: un modelo para aprender matemáticas en un entorno virtual". RUSC. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, 2012, Vol. 9, núm 1.
Abstract: This paper concerns modelling competence in mathematics in an e-learning environment. Competence is something complex, which goes beyond the cognitive level, and involves meta-cognitive and non-cognitive factors. It requires students to master knowledge and skills and at least some measurable abilities, which Niss calls 'competencies'. We present a model that exploits the innovative technological features of the IWT platform to define a personalised learning experience allowing students to increase their competence in mathematics. It is based on knowledge and skills representations by means of a graph metaphor, and on a theoretical framework for modelling competence.
Keywords: mathematics learning
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2012
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Appears in Collections:2012, vol. 9, n. 1
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