Artículos 282

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Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 282

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2013Tratamiento de multipalabras en WORDNET 3.0Lloberes, Marina; Oliver, Antoni; Climent, Salvador; Castellón Masalles, Irene
2024-08-06"Tinc talent. Sé que tinc talent!": figures autorials al teatre de les dramaturgues catalanes del segle XXINicolau Jiménez, Adriana
2024-02-20Hugo Fontana, en nombre propioCampanella, Lucia
2015Unsupervised Learning of Agglutinated Morphology using Nested Pitman-Yor Process based Morpheme Induction AlgorithmKumar, Arun; Padró, Lluís; Oliver, Antoni
2003Use of Internet for Augmenting Coverage in a Lexical Acquisition System from Raw Corpora: application to RussianOliver, Antoni; Castellón, Irene; Màrquez, Lluís
2024-10-14Corpora and rhetorically informed text analysisOliver, Antoni
2022-06MTUOC: a complete toolkit for training and integrating neural machine translationOliver, Antoni
2017-10-17A system for terminology extraction and translation equivalent detection in real time Efficient use of statistical machine translation phrase tablesOliver, Antoni
2006-12La traducció automàtica a InternetOliver, Antoni
2007Linguoc LexTerm: Una herramienta gratuita de extracción automática de terminologíaOliver, Antoni; Vàzquez, Mercè; Moré, Joaquim
2019-11-26Using open data to create the catalan IATE e-dictionaryVàzquez, Mercè; Oliver, Antoni; Casademont, Elisabet
2020-01Metaphoricity detection in adjective-noun pairsTorres Rivera, Andrés; Oliver, Antoni; Coll-Florit, Marta
2020-11Traducción automática para las lenguas románicas de la península IbéricaOliver, Antoni
2023-09TAN-IBE: Neural machine translation for the Romance languages of the Iberian PeninsulaOliver, Antoni; Coll-Florit, Marta; Alvarez Vidal, Sergi; Suárez Piñero, Víctor; Aventín Boya, Claudio; Valdés, Cristina; Font, Mar; Pardos Calvo, Alejandro
2024-07-27Edges, Borders, Peripheries: Contested European Imaginaries and Narrative FormsRotger, Neus; Vidal-Pérez, Aina
2024-04-14The rise of Hong Kong's textile industry, 1945-1974: The role of the Hong Kong Spinners Association (HKSA)Brasó Broggi, Carles
2024-03-24Refusing bilingualism, appropriating languages Discursive struggles for social meaning in a Spanish/Galician trial on ‘terrorism’Amarelo, Daniel
2024-03-28Old age is also a time for change: trends in news intermediary preferences among internet users in Canada and SpainRosales, Andrea; Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia; Gomez-Leon, Madelin; Jacobetty, Pedro
2015-09-01Imagining Macondo: Interacting with García Márquez's Literary LandscapeGraeme Forbes, Angus; Burbano Valdes, Andres; Murray, Paul; Legrady, George
2005-12-01Instantáneas. Estética, biología y tecnología, articulando LatinoaméricaBurbano Valdes, Andres
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 282